SWAT Mobility has launched a project with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Environment, to promote a change in behaviour to using public buses instead of private cars, through the visualisation of carbon emissions public buses usage. This is part of SWAT Mobility win in the "UPGRADE with TOKYO" pitch, hosted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, under the theme of “Reducing the Use of Automobiles".
- Project Outline
"UPGRADE with TOKYO" is a pitch event hosted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Under the theme of "Reducing the Use of Automobiles", SWAT Mobility will promote the use of public buses from an environmental perspective by visualising the difference in CO2 emissions when private cars are used compared to when public buses are used. We will also propose improvements in public bus operations through the analysis of boarding and alighting data and people mobility data, in a collaborative project with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
- Current Issues
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is promoting the curbing of the use of automobiles (reduction of automobile travel) in an effort to improve the air quality and realise a zero-emission Tokyo. One of the initiatives is "Mobility Management," whereby the benefits of reducing automobile use are communicated to the public through PR and publicity, etc. Traditional methods of communication are not as effective due to the limited scale of implementation and the lack of data regarding the actual effects of the use of automobiles (private cars). Therefore, it is important to look at using new methods that utilise modern digital technology to reduce private car usage more effectively.
- Visualisation of C02 emissions and traffic analysis tool

From October 2022 to February 2023, the carbon emissions from the Machikko (Aihara route) community bus running in Machida City will be visualised to highlight the emissions difference from using private cars. The information will be disseminated through posters and digital advertisements in Machida City to encourage residents who use their own cars to change their behaviour and promote the use of public buses.
In addition, SWAT Mobility will propose improvements to public bus operations from the perspective of carbon emissions reduction, by analysing and visualising public bus ridership and people mobility data, using its unique tools and technology which has conducted over 100 transportation analyses in 7 countries around the world.