

Tailor your delivery operations with over 200 route optimisation constraints.

Simplify route planning with AI

Tailor your delivery operations to perfection with over 200 customisable parameters, addressing inefficiencies. Our AI system optimises routes according to your constraints, maximising productivity and cost-effectiveness.

Overcome Complexity

Saves planning time with an AI-powered routing algorithm to generate the most optimal route.

Scalable Solution

Support the growth and scaling of operations by allowing seamless adjustments as the business expands.

Increased Accuracy

Fine-tuning parameters leads to more accurate and reliable routes, improving delivery times and customer satisfaction

Automate Complex Route Planning

Leverage intelligent routing algorithms to automate and optimise complex delivery routes, addressing operational constraints such as delivery windows and capacity limits. Our solution enhances efficiency, reduces costs, and saves time and resources.

Highly-Customisable Solution

Our solution provides over 200 pre-defined parameters for customisation, addressing dynamic vehicle and delivery characteristics, as well as driver and customer behaviour. These customisable options allow businesses to tailor their operations to prioritise goals such as cost efficiency and service quality.

Precise Routing with Geofencing

By grouping orders or stores into zones, businesses can balance order volumes, driver pools, and delivery costs while effectively monitoring and managing vehicles within specific areas. This enhances operational efficiency with real-time tracking, route compliance, and improved delivery accuracy and security.

This feature includes custom geofencing, overlapping geofencing, and auto-recommendation.

#1 Global Vehicle Routing Technology

Configure multiple constraints tailored to the specific needs of each business with our powerful routing engine.

Vehicle & load capacity

Configurable vehicle characteristics and attributes

Route constraints

Customisable waypoints and road network

Vehicle speed constraints

Configurable vehicle speed modeling based on vehicle type and weather.

Time constraints

Customisable stop dwell time and pickup/dropoff window.

Cost prioritisation

Prioritise resources to minimise cost incurred


Customisable geofences and sub-zones

How Our Solutions Are Helping Businesses Grow


Savings in
Transportation Cost


Reduction in
Vehicle Used


Reduction in
Planning Time