SWAT Wins Gold Award for Best HR Tech Startup

Singapore - HumanResources returns to Singapore for its fifth annual edition to celebrate the HR Vendors of the Year 2019. HumanResources brings together exceptional HR solution providers across the region. They have helped in disrupting the HR function and innovating business performance.

SWAT is proud to share that we have won the Gold award for the category of Best HR Tech Start-Up Company this year. Our transport technology helps companies improve their employee transport by giving their employees greater convenience and flexibility with their commutes. Our existing clients have been able to achieve their goals of increasing employee satisfaction and hence improving employee retention by offering better work commutes. 

HR Vendors of the Year honours the efforts of the HR solution providers who deliver superior client services and solutions. In receiving the award, SWAT hopes that this is indicative of its commitment to delivering the best solutions for employee transport, and we aim to continue improving the efficiency and performance of the HR function. Let SWAT drive you to work!

November 14, 2019
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