SWAT Mobility supports Toyota Mobility Foundation to provide safe on-demand transport for healthcare in Jakarta, Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia - SWAT Mobility is supporting Toyota Mobility Foundation (TMF), an independent non-profit foundation with the mission to enable mobility, to offer on-demand transport of COVID-19 test specimens for four medical clinics, one hospital located in North Jakarta and another hospital in Bekasi.

Image credit: Toyota Mobility Foundation

Starting early June, the staff of these clinics and hospitals will board safe, sanitised shuttles while bringing the test specimens to a COVID-19 test laboratory.

It is imperative to accelerate the efficiency of any testing efforts at the moment, which can potentially save lives and curb the spread of the virus. The on-demand transport will allow them to transport samples more efficiently and safely.

Toyota Mobility Foundation ensures safety by supplying four vehicles equipped with air purification devices and sanitisation products for passengers. Each vehicle will be sanitised frequently, including the seat covers that will be changed periodically. 

To provide adequate social distancing among the passengers, there is a limit on the number of passengers allowed onboard each vehicle per trip.

Previously, the transport of samples was done with the staff directly communicating with the driver to book and schedule rides manually. Now, each clinic’s staff can book their rides on the sanitised, on-demand shuttles using a mobile app. They can do so in advance, or make an ad-hoc booking. 

Behind the scenes, SWAT Mobility’s On Demand solution generates dynamic (non-fixed) routes for the vehicles based on bookings received, with the routes updating immediately to accommodate new ad-hoc bookings. This allows the service to run seamlessly if they are travelling along the same general direction. Operationally, the software allocates bookings for each vehicle automatically, even taking into account sanitisation schedules.

On-demand transport can be a more efficient means of transport for the ad-hoc delivery of goods during COVID-19 when demand is unpredictable, as opposed to running fixed, timed services.

June 6, 2020
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