SWAT Mobility is bizSAFE Level 3 Certified

SWAT Mobility has attained the Level 3 certification of bizSAFE administered by the The Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council in Singapore. 

bizSAFE is a national programme designed to guide and assist companies to strengthen their workplace safety and health capabilities. Achieving level 3 in the bizSAFE programme signifies that a company has put in place proper and regulated systems to manage workplace risks. It recognises that SWAT Mobility has met all the requirements to implement a Risk Management (RM) Plan that effectively addresses every identified risk in the workplace, and successfully passed the assessment of the RM Plan by an external auditor.

As part of our implementation of our Risk Management (RM) plan, our safety committee conducted a rigorous workplace safety training to inform all employees about our comprehensive health and safety plans. The training included emergency responses under SGSecure, with data protection elements, along with our Pandemic Infectious Disease (PID) Contingency plan, fire safety plan and tips on how to manage mental health, stress, and fatigue. 

This certification highlights our commitment to create a safe and secure work environment for our employees, to take care of them and protect them from potential risks in the workplace. In addition, our valued clients and riders can be assured that we strictly comply with the proper health and safety regulations, and continuously work to uphold stringent levels of safety required in all our deployments to ensure we transport people from places to places safely.

February 2, 2021
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