SWAT Mobility Enters Logistics Space with UglyFood

18 March 2021, Singapore - Last week, SWAT Mobility (SWAT) launched delivery services with UglyFood, making this SWAT’s official entry into the logistics space. Prior to UglyFood, SWAT ran seasonal delivery services with a hotel, meat grocer, and for Covid test samples.

UglyFood is an online grocer with a mission to eliminate food waste. Their produce is marred in some way but perfectly good to eat. By offering these “ugly” foods for sale, they are able to create a sustainable food ecosystem where the consumer gets to save considerably as well. Sustainability has always been part of SWAT Mobility’s mission, and we are excited to work with like-minded companies.

Loading the van for deliveries

SWAT Mobility’s delivery system will pool orders going to the same area together, reducing the routes driven and the number of vehicles needed. Our technology can monitor deliveries and allow recommendations on the best way to pool orders. In addition, we are able to help UglyFood scale with minimal disruption to their operations. 

By outsourcing the delivery to SWAT, UglyFood is able to save on costs associated with vehicle ownership and managing drivers. SWAT’s technology also allows UglyFood to track the order in real time while it is on its way, which allows them to provide accurate updates to their customers on their deliveries.

“Often, unappreciated food goes to waste due to the lack of proper knowledge. We are pleased to provide this extra service to our customers who are part of this sustainable effort alongside us,"

says Mark Lee, Head of Operations, UglyFood.

March 18, 2021
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