SWAT Mobility Enters Logistics in Japan with Freight Delivery Route Optimisation Service

*This article is translated from Japanese. To read the original article, please click here.

SWAT Mobility also received the HIKYAKU LABO Award by Sagawa Express, under the “HIKYAKU LABO Accelerator 2021” Program

SWAT Mobility Pte. Ltd., a mobility startup headquartered in Singapore (Headquarters: Singapore, CEO: Jarrold Ong, under “SWAT Mobility (SWAT)”) received the HIKYAKU Prize, out of the 85 startups that applied for the "HIKYAKU LABO Accelerator 2021" program run by HIKYAKU LABO of Sagawa Express Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minami-ku, Kyoto, President: Masahide Motomura).

Through the 3-month accelerator program, SWAT Mobility applied its routing technology to freight delivery and implemented a PoC of delivery route optimization service with Sagawa Express. SWAT’s technology has operated the passenger transportation services and on-demand bus apps in seven countries around the world.

Images of Product

Product Usage & Description:

• Order entry app: Users enter delivery details, and the app converts them into a format that can be imported by the Route generator that performs vehicle allocation and route generation.

• Route generator: Performs vehicle allocation and route generation within minutes, taking into consideration conditions such as cargo volumes and vehicle requirements.

• Driver app: The delivery routes generated by the Route generator is displayed on the app and it navigates to the delivery point(s).

■ A system that allows anyone to handle complex vehicle allocation and routing that takes multiple cargo volumes and vehicle requirements into consideration, significantly reducing working hours

Through the accelerator program by Sagawa Express, SWAT Mobility developed a freight dispatch route optimisation service and conducted a PoC. The cargoes collected and delivered by Sagawa Express in Tokyo was dispatched using SWAT’s system, with the system (Route generator and driver app) performing vehicle allocation, route generation and driver navigation for the deliveries.

Up until now, vehicle dispatching operations have been conducted manually. It takes a lot of man-hours to conduct complex vehicle allocation and routing that takes into consideration factors such as the floor area ratio of cargo, acceptable vehicle weight and height, etc. By using SWAT’s product, anyone can perform complicated vehicle allocation work, and the work time has been reduced to about one-third. SWAT also confirmed the potential for a significant reduction of the number of vehicles and costs through visualisation and maximisation of the floor area usage by vehicles.

■ Providing world-class routing technology localised in Japan

SWAT Mobility is applying our technology to freight delivery. SWAT’s technology has optimised passenger transport in 7 countries around the world, using a dynamic routing algorithm which instantly derives the optimum route from demand that occurs sporadically at multiple points. SWAT’s system has built in Zenrin's highly accurate and fresh road network data which is complete with complex road regulation information that are specific to Japan, such as intricate narrow roads and one-way / time zone regulations. With routes that takes road conditions into account, it enhances the safety of deliveries by trucks. In addition, SWAT possesses the technology to derive the optimum driving speed for each time zone and on each road, through machine learning using vehicle GPS data.

SWAT Mobility will continue to use the power of technology to solve problems related to the movement of people and goods, and work toward a society that realises optimal movements for all corporate and consumer customers.

【About SWAT Mobility】

SWAT Mobility possesses a highly accurate routing algorithm that allows multiple passengers to efficiently share rides with the minimum count of vehicles. In Japan, SWAT Mobility provide apps for the trial conducted in Niigata City on urban on-demand service and J:COM MaaS (ride-sharing service) for J:COM’s sales team. SWAT Mobility values and holds focus on Japan’s market in high priority, and will continue to promote the use of on-demand technology for local municipality and transport operator to resolve Japan’s unique local transport issues.

November 12, 2021
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