What is demand-responsive employee transport?
Imagine “ridesharing” on your company buses. Employees book onto the company bus through a mobile app and get picked up from a location close to their homes. They sit with other colleagues while complying with safe distancing measures on board the vehicles.
Behind demand-responsive transport lies a smart algorithm that calculates the optimal fleet combination to deploy based on the allowable capacity, maximising fleet utilisation and occupancy rate. The algorithm pools employees living within the same area together and generates the most efficient routes that reduces trip times and detours.
The system plans the transport service, taking into account any change in employee schedules automatically. Such technology does not require large fleets and can work with your existing fleet operators to execute.
Employee transportation is an essential strategy in employee attraction and retention, especially for companies located at a remote location.
Increasingly, companies are looking to upgrade their transport offerings to give employees greater safety and convenience in this climate, along with better service levels. However, these benefits do not have to come with substantial cost. Demand-responsive technology can help you reap cost savings while improving your service levels.
Typically, employer-provided transportation is inflexible. Most companies operate bus services with fixed timings, and the routes and vehicles do not adjust to fluctuations in demand. This leads to inefficiencies that may cost you more in the long run. Smart mobility solutions can not only optimise your resources leading to potentially reduced costs, it can also enhance safety for your employees.
In the package linked below, learn how SWAT Mobility help different companies provide their employees better commutes while maintaining costs, through different product lines tailored to their specific demand patterns.
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