SWAT Improving Efficiency in Overnight Shift Worker Transportation

Singapore - For the last few weeks, SWAT has been busy rolling out our transport solution for overnight shift employees. Earlier this July, SWAT was tasked by a large hospitality client to provide an innovative tech solution offering late-night transport for their overnight staff. 

The request was for SWAT to shuttle several hundred employees per night within a set of constraints to ensure that their staff was happy with the transport solution. These constraints included a journey time cap of 90 minutes (for those staying furthest away), and to keep the walking distance 5 to 8 minutes from the staff’s home. SWAT’s solution automatically generated routes 15 minutes before boarding time, and ensured 100% of employees were given ride offers.  

Over the course of 6 weeks, SWAT provided over 7000 trips with 98% of rides having a satisfactory rating from the riders. The single largest shift saw 270 workers requesting rides concurrently. The entire boarding process per bus was under 10 minutes, and the average journey time home was only 33 minutes. The average walking distance was reduced from 692m to 352m throughout 6 weeks of algorithm improvements by SWAT. This meant that staff were alighted closer-to-home and walked less than 5mins from the bus stop to their doorstep.

The user experience and the feedback was very positive. The client was happy with the improvements and outcome, and are considering working with SWAT for their other employee transport needs. 

November 7, 2019
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