SWAT Mobility wins Product Digitalization subcategory of the Digital Transformation Award by SwissCham Singapore
SWAT Mobility has emerged as the final winner in the Product Digitalization subcategory of the Digital Transformation Award by SwissCham Singapore, after a tough live pitch with other strong contenders.
[Radio Interview] Emerging Enterprise Awards 2020 Finalist Interview with SWAT Mobility's CEO
Bernard Lim speaks to CEO & co-founder Jarrold Ong at SWAT Mobility, one of the nominees for this year’s OCBC Emerging Enterprise Awards 2020. This year, the awards highlight resilience in the face of Covid-19.
JAPAN Providing an application for a demonstration experiment of the urban on-demand bus "Shimomachi On-Demand Bus" in Niigata City
シンガポールに本社を置くモビリティスタートアップであるSWAT Mobility Pte. Ltd. は、新潟交通株式会社と日本ユニシス株式会社が新潟市内で実施するオンデマンドバスの実証実験に対し、当社のダイナミックルーティングアルゴリズムを実装した配車アプリケーション を提供いたします。
Why HR leaders should be flexible beyond a global crisis
While the pandemic has proven to be the most challenging part of everyone’s lives, it has also certainly become a wake up call for businesses, to remodel and improve their operations. SWAT Mobility’s technology are designed to help improve the mobility concerns of many organizations.
EMERGING ENTERPRISE 2020 Pandemic challenges help accelerate growth
"DYNAMIC and efficient" are two words rarely used to describe employee transport. Fixed routes and pick-up times are the norm, and unexpected changes in passenger volumes can result in overcrowding or near-empty vehicles plying the roads. The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed such...